Projects Created: May - June 2021

Projects Created: May - June 2021

The past two months have been quite busy yet still fulfilling, with much achieved and projects created. In this article, I will just brush through some of the projects I have developed within those two months.

Project 1: Portfolio Website

The first challenge was to create a portfolio website using HTML and CSS. I was thus able to come up with this.


Project can be found here on GitHub.

Project 2: Shopping List

The second challenge involved developing a shopping list using HTML, CSS and JavaScript which was an amazing experience since I was able to put my JavaScript skills to the test.


The live project can be viewed here and the GitHub repo here.

Project 3: To-do list

The third challenge involved developing a To-do List app using React JS through which one can create an item, edit an item and mark an item as completed. Through this task, I was able to implement the knowledge I had attained on React states.


The live project can be viewed here and the GitHub repo here.

Project 4: Notes app

The fourth challenge involved developing a Notes app with register and login authentication, plus the extra functionalities of creating a note, editing it and deleting a note. This task was an interesting challenge as I had never worked on a task that required user authentication prior to it, even though I acknowledge I might need to make its UI much better.


The live project can be viewed here and the GitHub repo here.


I am quite impressed at the progress I have made thus far and I can truly attest to the fact that creating projects is the best way to learn. Hopefully this article will also inspire you to finally get to work on a few projects as well.

Thanks for reading!